
This is where you will find the suggested list of art supplies. However, please don't worry about matching with any colors.

I always like to say that while the colors are important and the vibrancy is what a lot of times attracts our eyes, it's the light and shadows that play the biggest role in your artwork.

If there are no shadows, there's no dimension. No light no dimension either. Try to always think steps ahead, so there are areas in your painting that you keep much lighter.

Contrast is what we need to create a good balance in a painting.

Of course, this is easier said than done. But to make things easier, think of it this way. When you start applying the colors, to almost any area of your painting, try to stay away from a lot of parts when adding the colors, so you are adding paint to one side of the section only, or when you are painting - try to go rather fast, so you can dry brush through as well, and try not to add the colors everywhere.

Also, one of the most important things is to grab the colors from your palette rather quickly, without trying to mix them on the palette. Ok, a little bit of mixing is ok! But the idea is so the colors separate on the paper.

Let's say you are using brown and blue. Each time you are grabbing the paint from your palette, try to have a different ratio between the two colors. So sometimes the mix has more of the blue in it, and sometimes more of the brown in it.

The ratios between water and paint are also important, especially when we switch from painting 'wet on dry to 'wet on wet, or the other way around.

When painting 'wet on dry, you don't want to use heavy ratios between water and paint but think of it like a water-like ratio, or go with something that feels like a milk-like ratio. But nothing heavier than that, unless you are adding more colors to the already wetted area.

In this case, it becomes wet on wet.

The picture below is a finished painting from this class.

The image below shows the suggested list of art supplies. Those are the supplies I used for this painting.

The only thing I stress about the most is the watercolor paper.

Watercolor paper is the foundation of your watercolor painting. This is where things can go wrong. I do suggest using professional-grade watercolor paper only.

If you are not planning on adding layers (which we do in this class, first we paint the wall, then add the bricks. Then we paint the door, then add the shadows) - then cellulose paper is ok.

However, since we are adding a second layer (shadows, bricks) I recommend a 100% cotton watercolor paper.

You can download the suggested list of art supplies below this section.

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